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The Scariest Thing About Being a Mum

By far the scariest thing about being a parent is ... that just as get used to the whole parenting thing and your child enters a new stage of development and everything changes.  It's so scary to try and keep up with your little one as they constantly grow, develop and become a new person before your eyes (ironically, it's also the most beautiful part of being a parent).You get used to being pregnant - and the baby comesYou get used to the newborn stage - and they go through their first leap. You finally master a routine - and the 4 month sleep regression (or the clocks go back an hour) come along. You master feeding - and it's time to...

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Middle of the Madness

It's halfway through the mid term holidays here in Scotland and I thought you might welcome some light entertainment. Ever since I became a mum I have been bombarded with mum advice online. From telling me how I should enjoy the time with my newborn and cherish every moment (cheers for that - the sleepless nights and cluster feeding kept me very much in the moment) to telling me how much my babies should eat, sleep and develop.  One thing that kept me going through the madness and was... parenting memes!  You know what I mean ... you're sleep-deprived, hangry and wondering if you'll ever feel sexy again and a meme online seems to capture exactly how you feel perfectly. ...

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What is Baby Loss Awareness Week?

According to SANDS: Taking place 9 - 15 October every year, Baby Loss Awareness Week raises awareness of pregnancy and baby loss in the UK. Throughout the week, bereaved parents, and their families and friends, unite with others across the world to commemorate the lives of babies who died during pregnancy, at or soon after birth, and in infancy. Led by Sands, the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance is a collaboration of more than 100 charities working together to break the taboo and drive improvements in policy, bereavement care and support for anyone affected by the death of a baby. The Week has 3 core aims:  To Commemorate Babies' Lives and support bereaved parents and families.  To Raise Awareness about pregnancy and baby loss.  To Drive Change and improvements in...

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It's a big week for us all... and I wanted to make sure you are okay?

Sunday was World Mental Health Awareness Day it got me thinking about one of the ways I 'get in the way' of my own positive mental health. I'm guilty of saying "I'm fine" when someone asks "How are you?".......even when I'm not. In a week where social media is embracing the topic and lots of posts talking about mental health and people sharing their journey. I think it's safe to say that this past year has been incredibly challenging for everyone....particularly parents. Carrying the burden of everyone having been at home, juggling work & schooling. Tears & Tantrums. It has taken its toll in many way..... and especially when we don't really know what is going on for people behind closed doors. I'm desperately trying to get...

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Lock down babies are doing what now?!

It's been over 500 days since the first UK Lockdown was announced.  This means that the first babies born during Lockdown are now over 16 months old.  Can we just take a second to acknowledge this? When my babies were all 16 months old; we had done so much, been outdoors lots and built up an essential social life. The idea that so many mums and babies missed out on this breaks my heart. With the world back to normal, and many of us back to work and back from maternity leave; finding the right childcare is a big decision right now (especially as the schools go back soon).    How to find the right childcare for you (and your baby).  Childcare can...

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