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Making Craft Momentos in Lockdown

Momentos can really take us back to a special time. Sometimes it’s the object itself but the process of creating something can develop a deeper memory of how things were at that time. Here are a few of our ideas for craft activities for creating memories during lockdown.

Hand prints

If you’re able to keep a baby’s hands still for long enough then handprints are a classic keepsake that provide a physical reminder or how tiny they used to be! If you don’t have any clay then paint will do and there are loads of clever designs available online to follow. You could make cards to keep in touch with grandparents while you’re at it. 

Turn to nature for inspiration

Pressing flowers can open up a whole new world of potential craft projects. Collecting them can also provide motivation to get out of the house for older kids who might be getting sick of their daily “exercise” by this point.

Make something beautiful from something… not so beautiful

If you have a toddler who likes to create “art” that looks like an explosion in paint factory then don’t despair. This clever artist has created some beautiful animal pictures from kids’ experiments and the templates are available here so you can make your own. Just try to limit the colours that you give them so you don’t just end up with several brown pieces of artwork. 


Make box to store first toys etc.

If you’re super organised and creative then a beautiful box store reminders of your baby’s first year can keep them safely together. Just make sure it’s big enough as there will be a few things! You could include hospital tags and new baby cards as well as their first present and favourite toy.

Display it instead

I’ve limited myself to one small box of baby clothes to remember how little and cuddly my babies once were and the box is currently living at the back of wardrobe. Marie Kondo recommends choosing just one outfit to keep and presenting your child’s special outfit in a frame so it can bring you joy every day.


For those looking for a longer project then perhaps a scrapbook is more up your street. Scrapbooking has developed into a full blown hobby for some and all sorts of accessories available like these really cute bumble bee stickers.


Frame it

When kids are a bit older they can become very proud of the pictures that they create and want each one to be displayed. My fridge is currently plastered with artwork but if you want a tidier solution then these ingenious frames not only display your children’s drawings but can also store another 49 pieces of art behind so they save storage space too!

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