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YummiBlog — Lockdown RSS

Making Craft Momentos in Lockdown

Momentos can really take us back to a special time. Sometimes it’s the object itself but the process of creating something can develop a deeper memory of how things were at that time. Here are a few of our ideas for craft activities for creating memories during lockdown. Hand prints If you’re able to keep a baby’s hands still for long enough then handprints are a classic keepsake that provide a physical reminder or how tiny they used to be! If you don’t have any clay then paint will do and there are loads of clever designs available online to follow. You could make cards to keep in touch with grandparents while you’re at it.  Turn to nature for inspiration...

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How to Cope With Having a Baby in Lockdown

If you’re expecting a baby that is due in the next few weeks then it’s likely that you’ll go into labour during some kind of lockdown or during the early stages of it being lifted. Life is different enough with a new baby so it’s normal to feel anxious about how you’ll deal with all these changes and the lockdown situation.    Don’t be scared of seeking medical help It’s understandable to be reluctant to be around other people when the government is advising us to avoid it but yours and the baby’s health are always the priority. If you’re at all worried before, during or after labour then contact your midwife.   Exercise Ok it’s not the best time...

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How to Toilet Train in Lockdown

Many of us are spending a lot of time at home or in the garden at the moment so this could be a great opportunity to tackle potty training. In many ways the experience of potty training during lockdown could be much the same as at any other times but with a few extra considerations.   First things first, making sure you’re ready.  We’re all for grabbing an opportunity when you see one but make sure your little one is actually showing signs that they’re ready to potty train. NHS guidance suggests waiting until they can go at least an hour without wetting their nappy and they know they need to pee or when they are doing it and can...

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