YummiRattles on sale at only £20 while stocks last!

Pack up your troubles

A luggage allowance of 40kg seemed reasonable for two adults and two young children heading off for a fortnight in Spain. With fond memories of relaxing holidays, pre-children, still fresh, it was a shock to see that the vast majority of the contents of our overfilled and overweight suitcases belonged to the two smallest members of the party.

That evening I enlisted the help of a well-travelled third party from the older generation (my mother!). These are some of her comments: “They sell nappies in Spain” “Clothes will dry in a couple of hours. You don’t need six of everything.” “They’ll roast in towelling ponchos – yes I know you bought them especially.” “You’ll be far too busy watching them in the pool to lie on a lounger reading those books.” 

Result – We now have suitcases that close! Following a cull of the children’s’ self-packed trunkis, their toys consist of a couple of Panda and Foxy (beloved soft toys),  bedtime stories, crayons, paper and stickers, a set of animal snap/memory game cards, an inflatable turtle (not as large as it sounds) and of course a set of Yummikeys. Bon vacances!

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