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Top Tips to help Mums of Velcro Babies

Do you have a zelcro baby? Or a toddler who can maintain a hold on you like a baby monkey? There are a few ways you can help your baby cope with separation anxiety but the good news it usually isn’t a sign of a real problem and is usually just a healthy (but sometimes difficult) part of child development Just when you think life with a baby isn’t too exhausting and suddenly your baby can’t bear to be away from your for a moment to play, eat or even sleep. You try to be sensitive but occasionally you need to put them down and it can be emotionally draining to hear them whinge or cry each time you leave...

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How I Manage 3 Children And a Busy Business

Once upon a time there was a woman who decided to leave the corporate world, embrace her dream to work for herself and spend more time with her family. This dream is now my reality and I am blessed to be able to do the school run every morning and afternoon and I have also built a successful business. I also have to meet deadlines and ensure my valued customers (that's you) receive their products in a prompt manner and know they are dealing with a business they can trust! Has it been easy? ... Definitely not! Has it been worth it? ... Without a doubt! I get lots of questions from other mums asking me for advice on how...

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Best of British

The Best of British ... and what it means to Yummikeys! I was watching the news this week and the BBC were in Leeds speaking to local business owners about their concerns and questions with the looming general election (don’t worry - I am not going to talk politics). It got me thinking deeply about what it means to be a British Business and to be committed to contributing to the local  and national economy.  Firstly I wanted to answer a commonly asked questions about Yummikeys. One for wish I had a difficult answer:  Are Yummikeys made in the UK? The short answer is no and that they are made in China.  Often I am met with: “Surely with a...

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Sleep Advice From a Mum of Three

Sleep! Glorious Sleep… that life essential that I said good bye too a little over 6 years ago. I was warned before I became a mum that the lack of sleep would drive me crazy … but little did I know that it would take over my life! Everyone seemed to ask about it…  Is she a good sleeper?  Is she sleeping through the night yet (no Eileen, she’s 6 weeks old) Do you get much sleep?  All of a sudden I discovered that sleep was now considered a major milestone in the life of my child and somehow an indication of how good a mother I was.  So, as a mum of 3 children (all of which had very...

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Things I Wish I’d Been Told About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is certainly an experience that it is difficult to feel totally ready for. These are some things I wished I had known beforehand. Be prepared Nursing bras, nursing tops, nipple cream. Get your equipment ready before you start. Leaks happen so get some breast pads. Reusables are a great option for the environment and often more comfortable. Watch out for blocked ducts and mastitis Both can be painful and mastitis can make you very ill. If you have a blocked duct try feeding with the baby’s chin in the direction of the blockage. Change sides regularly and make sure your bra is not too tight to try and avoid these problems. It can be a bit awkward, but it’s...

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