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YummiBlog — plastic free RSS

How To Reduce Plastic in Your Child's Life

With nurseries like this one we’re feeling even more inspired to reduce the amount of plastic that surrounds us and our children. While it’s important to care for the plastic items that we already have, when thinking of future purchases there many alternatives to the items that we might once have chosen automatically.Eating and DrinkingWith so many great alternatives to plastic pots it’s easy to feed our kids when we’re out and about. There are bamboo containers, stainless steel or beeswax wraps. At home we reuse jars for food leftovers rather than using plastic tubs and often take out our snacks in paper bags that are reused from the green grocers. They can be a bit more pricey but I...

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A Guide to a Plastic Free, Eco Friendly Christmas 🌲

Christmas is all about giving and spreading love for most of us. But it can also be an expensive time of over consumption and wastage. Every year I try to cut it back a bit but in the light of some hard hitting documentaries recently on plastic use and the state of the environment, we're going to have a bigger push this year.  I've come up with 10 principles to cut down the wastage of christmas but not the fun:  1. Reduce the number of gifts bought - ways to do this include: secret Santa, setting price limits, one gift limit from Father Christmas, want - need - wear - read is also popular. 2. Experience gifts - theatre, memberships,...

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Top 5 Homemade Garden Toys

Top 5 Homemade Garden Toys   We’ve had one hell of a summer this year so I’ve made the most of it and been out and about with the little one as much as we can. She loves a park but we finally have a garden and now that the weather is starting to turn, I’d rather stay closer to home in case we need to dash out of the rain. However, as its the first time we’ve had outdoor space our garden barely has grass, never mind anything as existing as a playground so I had my work cut out creating a child friendly area without it being a clutter of plastic toys.   I’m going to share with...

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10 green lifestyle changes we should all be making for our family

A quick win of plastic free and green changes for busy families: Switch to a renewable energy power supplier - it’s really straight forward to switch now and you’ll probably get cash back and a better deal too Once your washing powder is finished buy an Eco Egg - far less chemicals and less irritating for sensitive young skin and you’ll get up to 720 washes for £20 Sign up for a weekly veg box from a local greengrocers or farm - there are some lovely options around, you’ll get sessional veg, support a local business and cut down on a lot of single-use plastic Buy stainless steel water bottles - they’re virtually unbreakable so ideal for children, toxin free,...

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