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YummiBlog — first baby RSS

It's OK to Not Be OK After Having a Baby

Thinking back to the first few days and weeks after having your baby, how did you feel. Ecstatic, overjoyed, overflowing with happiness like a true earth mother? Although no doubt we all had moments like this when we could count our little bundle’s eyelashes and feel at peace, the time after welcoming a new baby into your life can often be very different to how we expected. Many of us can feel very low, depressed and anxious. In turn this can lead to feelings of guilt that we’re not having the right reaction to motherhood, which only exacerbates the problem. Having a baby can create so many dramatic changes to our lifestyle and our relationships that it’s no wonder it’s...

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Parenting expectations vs reality

When I was pregnant with my first child I had so many ideas of what life as a mother would be like. 3 children later it’s not quite as I imagined…… Expectations for sleep My baby would sleep and if not I’d read a book and do some effective sleep training and they’d sleep through early. Reality Nope. I’ve not even read a single parenting book. Surely the answer is on Mumsnet? Nope. Turns out there is no answer. Only survival. Some of mine slept, one didn’t, and I treated them all the same.   Expectations for feeding They’d all be breastfed but happily take bottles too so I’d be able to get my freedom back pretty fast. Reality I've...

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