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Sleep Advice From a Mum of Three

Sleep! Glorious Sleep… that life essential that I said good bye too a little over 6 years ago. I was warned before I became a mum that the lack of sleep would drive me crazy … but little did I know that it would take over my life! Everyone seemed to ask about it…  Is she a good sleeper?  Is she sleeping through the night yet (no Eileen, she’s 6 weeks old) Do you get much sleep?  All of a sudden I discovered that sleep was now considered a major milestone in the life of my child and somehow an indication of how good a mother I was.  So, as a mum of 3 children (all of which had very...

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Parenting expectations vs reality

When I was pregnant with my first child I had so many ideas of what life as a mother would be like. 3 children later it’s not quite as I imagined…… Expectations for sleep My baby would sleep and if not I’d read a book and do some effective sleep training and they’d sleep through early. Reality Nope. I’ve not even read a single parenting book. Surely the answer is on Mumsnet? Nope. Turns out there is no answer. Only survival. Some of mine slept, one didn’t, and I treated them all the same.   Expectations for feeding They’d all be breastfed but happily take bottles too so I’d be able to get my freedom back pretty fast. Reality I've...

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