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New Parents' Best Google Searches

It was a bleak time before the internet, when we had to rely on asking friends or family or consulting encyclopedias to answer life’s questions. Now we have google and we can shamelessly resolve any query without embarrassment! Parenting poses a lot of challenging issues and our (often late night) google searches reveal a lot about the experience. Here are a few of our follower’s most relatable searches: The Very Real Struggles of Pregnancy   “Can your unborn baby's kicks break your ribs?"  Yes ribs can be broken, and just parents generally. "Are hot baths ok in pregnancy?"  "How not to poo when in labour."   “Is my baby clawing at my cervix?”   Relationships  “Why is my husband more annoying...

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How to Cope With Having a Baby in Lockdown

If you’re expecting a baby that is due in the next few weeks then it’s likely that you’ll go into labour during some kind of lockdown or during the early stages of it being lifted. Life is different enough with a new baby so it’s normal to feel anxious about how you’ll deal with all these changes and the lockdown situation.    Don’t be scared of seeking medical help It’s understandable to be reluctant to be around other people when the government is advising us to avoid it but yours and the baby’s health are always the priority. If you’re at all worried before, during or after labour then contact your midwife.   Exercise Ok it’s not the best time...

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Top Tips to help Mums of Velcro Babies

Do you have a zelcro baby? Or a toddler who can maintain a hold on you like a baby monkey? There are a few ways you can help your baby cope with separation anxiety but the good news it usually isn’t a sign of a real problem and is usually just a healthy (but sometimes difficult) part of child development Just when you think life with a baby isn’t too exhausting and suddenly your baby can’t bear to be away from your for a moment to play, eat or even sleep. You try to be sensitive but occasionally you need to put them down and it can be emotionally draining to hear them whinge or cry each time you leave...

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Are You Suffering from Parental Burnout and What You Can Do About It

What is parental burnout?Parental burnout is what happens when you’re working too hard for too long at being a good parent and it all becomes too much. It is a lack of balance between demands and rewards of parenting. Parental burnout has three features; 1) Physical and emotional exhaustion, 2) Feeling emotional distance from your children due to the exhaustion and therefore only interacting on a functional level and 3) Feeling that you are not doing a good job of being a parent. These are all things that can happen to us all for short periods but the problem is when it becomes a long term issue. Why does parental burnout happen?You might expect that income, number of children and...

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Memory making

I’m going to be brutally honest with you; every stage of the parenthood journey has brought me happiness and anxiety in equal measure! Just as I’ve dared to think that I’ve overcome one challenge another begins and to honest with you it’s been exhausting.  There’s been pregnancy sickness, sleepless nights, nappies, toilet training, sitting in car parks while my babies slept, weaning, the list goes on BUT do you know what when I look back now the details of the challenging times are actually really hazy. What I do remember most are the fun memories that we’ve made of going to the park, reading, playing, first steps, painting, trips to the beach, dog walks, tree climbing, tickling, laughing, this list...

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