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When Your Breastfeeding Journey Doesn’t Go to Plan: Thoughts from Mums Who’ve Been There

As such a personal thing, all women have different aims for breastfeeding. The great thing is we can all decide for ourselves what we hope for and want. The bad side is unfortunately our journey through breastfeeding doesn’t always line up with the one we had planned for. The Scottish Maternal and Infant Nutrition Survey in 2017 found that three quarters of those who stopped breastfeeding would have liked to have continued for longer. With these outcomes, a lot of us can feel disappointed with how breastfeeding turns out. We’ve heard from a lot of women about this and some common themes have been feeling like a failure and feeling guilty for stopping.  “… the stress and worry I put...

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Sleep Advice From a Mum of Three

Sleep! Glorious Sleep… that life essential that I said good bye too a little over 6 years ago. I was warned before I became a mum that the lack of sleep would drive me crazy … but little did I know that it would take over my life! Everyone seemed to ask about it…  Is she a good sleeper?  Is she sleeping through the night yet (no Eileen, she’s 6 weeks old) Do you get much sleep?  All of a sudden I discovered that sleep was now considered a major milestone in the life of my child and somehow an indication of how good a mother I was.  So, as a mum of 3 children (all of which had very...

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