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How to Keep Your Sanity as a Parent During Lockdown

  This is a trying time and even with a strong dose of positivity it isn’t an ideal situation. So many changes, uncertainty, stress and lack of emotional support from our social networks are a strain mentally and the same goes for kids so they may be acting up. Here are a few tips for dealing with parenting in lockdown:   Lower your expectations, a lot This may be the biggest thing you can do to keep your sanity. Many of us inadvertently raised our expectations when we readied ourselves for the challenge of dealing with lockdown. When yourself and your children are dealing with any major life changes or stress you wouldn’t normally expect to be on the top...

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Top Tips to help Mums of Velcro Babies

Do you have a zelcro baby? Or a toddler who can maintain a hold on you like a baby monkey? There are a few ways you can help your baby cope with separation anxiety but the good news it usually isn’t a sign of a real problem and is usually just a healthy (but sometimes difficult) part of child development Just when you think life with a baby isn’t too exhausting and suddenly your baby can’t bear to be away from your for a moment to play, eat or even sleep. You try to be sensitive but occasionally you need to put them down and it can be emotionally draining to hear them whinge or cry each time you leave...

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